In 2011, the author of this blog and her trusty sidekick (uhhh…make that “husband”) found they couldn’t afford summer camp for their growing family. How do two adults keep four kids busy and happy for two months without breaking the bank (or losing their minds)?

Research, blogging, and fun followed.

Luckily, Southern California boasts a wide variety of activities that can be accessed for little or no moola, you just have to find them. They organized local families in the same boat on “family camp” outings. A lot of the moms that participated used the info to find things to do on date night, too. All that great info piled up, and at the end of the summer, it was transfered into this new blog, designed for a wider audience.

After all, they can’t be the only cheapskates in SoCal.

3 responses »

  1. Denise Novak says:

    Looking for inexpensive things to do around Los Angeles and events being held each month. Please update me so I can participate and take advantage.

  2. beccakinla says:

    You’ll get updates if you click “Follow” at the top of the screen. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Jan Rayman says:

    Under your CHEAP category, the Pasadena Folk Dance Co-op teaches a beginning folk dance class at 7:45 pm every Friday night. Your first night is free, future visits are $6. No partner is needed, just comfortable shoes and casual clothes. It’s great fun and exercise. The music is beautiful and the people friendly. We dance on a beautiful hardwood floor at Throop Unitarian Church, 300 S. Los Robles, Pasadena.

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