The Japanese American Museum in L.A. has a fabulous exhibit running currently, Folding Paper, wherein artists really push the possibilities of paper folding to its limits.

Normally, admission to the museum is $9 for adults, $5 for seniors and kids over 5. But wait! There’s free general admission every Thursday from 5 to 8 PM and every third Thursday of the month! And even if you visit the rest of the week, you’ll get a $2 discount if  you ride Metro to get to the museum.

About beccakinla

Freelance writer and unrepentant homemaker. Writer of many genres and author of books including GLIXMAN IN A FIX, A DOZEN DAISIES FOR RAIZY, MAZAL'S LUCK RUNS OUT, SLIDING DOORS AND OTHER STORIES, and most recently, ADINA AT HER BEST. Her next book is due out in Fall 2023.

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