
 Pinnipeds are aquatic mammals such as sea lions, seals, otters, and walruses. At the Marine Mammal Care Center, volunteers care for injured pinnipeds. If you visit, you can see these animals and learn about them and their environment. Kids will develop empathy, as well. The site is located in San Pedro, which makes it convenient to pair up with the Pt. Fermin Lighthouse, the Cabrillo Aquarium, or the like.

About beccakinla

Freelance writer and unrepentant homemaker. Writer of many genres and author of books including GLIXMAN IN A FIX, A DOZEN DAISIES FOR RAIZY, MAZAL'S LUCK RUNS OUT, SLIDING DOORS AND OTHER STORIES, and most recently, ADINA AT HER BEST. Her next book is due out in Fall 2023.

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